The Unity Way Wellbeing Framework is a holistic, whole-school, multi-level systems approach to wellbeing at Unity College. Its foundation is centred around the ethos of Students First and #YOUbelong that underpins our philosophy, policies, procedures, partnerships, and educational approach.
Wellbeing encompasses the physical, intellectual, spiritual, social and emotional dimensions of peoples’ lives. It is how we:
- Think and feel
- Manage in difficult situations
- Cope when feeling pressured and under stress
- Connect with other people and develop relationships
- Make choices and decisions
- Are able to achieve our potential.
(NSW Government Health, What is mental health?, 2020) (World Health Organisation Mental Health, 2022)
A courageous culture is one where people can be themselves and feel a sense of belonging.
Brene Brown
pastoral care
Establishing and fostering authentic positive relationships is at the heart of Pastoral Care. Students who have quality relationships with each other, their teachers and their surrounding environment, give themselves the greatest opportunity to flourish in their learning and personal growth. Pastoral Care at Unity College is pivotal in promoting a positive, safe, caring and forgiving education culture where students feel a sense of belonging, allowing them to develop in a holistic manner.
Students are placed into a pastoral care class based on their respective year level with the support of a Pastoral Care teacher, and supported by Pastoral Care Leaders and Heads of School to deliver the Pastoral Care Program.
God’s love for each one of us, each person’s uniqueness, and that each one of us is a special creation by God given a specific vocation based around our gifts and talents.
Corinthians 12:12-27, 13:1-7
Behaviour Management
Restorative Practice is an important element of the Unity Way that fosters a sense of belonging and forms the basis of the Colleges’ behaviour management policy.
A Restorative Practices approach aims at resolving conflict and building positive behaviours and relationships.
Restorative Practices encourages ownership of our actions, and provides an opportunity for understanding the source of one’s behaviour, taking responsibility for our choices, and learning from our mistakes to grow from the experience.
Our Junior and Middle/Senior School Chaplains and College Counsellors form part of Unity’s ‘Wellbeing Team’ and offer opportunities for students to seek further wellbeing support. They can provide guidance to school staff in addressing wellbeing concerns and are actively involved in wellbeing programs within the school. Our Wellbeing Team can work with families to assist in general wellbeing and mental health concerns, and in referring to external services.
The Wellbeing Team has established and is continuing to develop strong relationships with our wider community, connecting with external organisations with expertise in the field of wellbeing, to further enhance Unity’s commitment to authentically meet the needs of our students.