
Step-Up is a transition program at Unity College taking place in the final two weeks of Term 4 each year. Designed to provide better educational outcomes and keep students engaged at the end of the year, Step-Up sees students in Reception to Year 11 step up to their next years year level and classes. Students new to the College are also invited to participate in Step-Up.
**Students commencing Reception complete a separate transition program outside of Step-Up.
The Step Up program has many benefits including:
- More time for learning and opportunities for improved academic results by maximising time available to students in class.
- Year 11 students get a head start on Year 12 who normally have a reduced year due to the external examination timetable from SACE.
- Reducing the stress that students may experience over the Christmas holiday break about the year ahead including a new classroom environment, new home class placements, new teachers and new curriculum or subjects.
- Assisting new students to become more confident about the move to Middle School or starting at a new school.