
Unity College Junior School is committed to providing a high quality, challenging, engaging, international education. Students are encouraged to be involved in their learning as they inquire, collaborate and problem solve to discover more about themselves, others, and the world around them.
At Unity there is a strong focus on developing gratitude, wellbeing, positive emotions and resilience. We strive to provide a caring and supportive learning community which caters for the needs of students. In a school culture shaped by unconditional love, grace, forgiveness and acceptance, students learn about God’s love and how they can use this as an example in their lives. Students are also encouraged to discover and develop their own unique God given skills and abilities.

As an IB World School, Unity College Junior School delivers the Australian Curriculum within the framework of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP).
With a strong focus on literacy and numeracy development, our teachers collaboratively plan learning to develop understanding of the eight key learning areas of the Australian Curriculum: English, HASS (Humanities & Social Sciences), Health and Physical Education, German, Japanese, Mathematics, Technologies and The Arts.
As a Lutheran School, Unity also offers Christian Studies as a subject where students develop an understanding of Christian beliefs, world views, attitudes and values. We ensure that learning at Unity College is authentic, purposeful and connected to the world.
Students can also participate in a range of co-curricular, extra-curricular and leadership programs and activities in the Junior School. While some programs are compulsory, others are selected by students according to their individual interests and abilities.